Scientific articles published in scientific peer-reviewed journals
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Biotropica. A Modest Proposal for Wealthy Countries to Reforest Their Land for the Common Good
Asian Primate J. First sighting of Bornean Orang Utan Twins in the wild
PLOS ONE. Quantifying Killing of Orangutans and Human- Orangutan Conflict in Kalimantan, Indonesia
PLOS ONE. Why Don’t We Ask? A Complementary Method for Assessing the Status of Great Apes
Report. An impact analysis of RSPO certification on Borneo forest cover and Orangutan populations
Strategic Rev. The trillion dollar gamble on Borneo
Scientific Rep. First integrative trend analysis for a great ape species in Borneo
Curr. Biol. Morphometric, behavioural, and genomic evidence for a new orangutan species
PNAS. Canopy structure drives orangutan habitat selection in disturbed Bornean forests
Strategic Review. Getting community forest reforms right
Glob. Env. Ch. Community forest management in Indonesia: Avoided deforestation in the context of anthropogenic and climate complexities
Glob. Ecol. Cons. Not more, but strategic collaboration needed to conserve Borneo's orangutan
J. Appl. Ecol. Mixed policies give more options in multifunctional tropical forest landscapes
Trends Ecol. Evol. Maintaining ecosystem function and services in logged tropical forests
Env. Res. Lett. Restoring degraded tropical forests for carbon and biodiversity
Curr. Zoology. Foraging site recursion by forest elephants Elephas maximus borneensis
Diversity and Distributions. Forecasts of habitat suitability improve habitat corridor efficacy in rapidly changing environments
PLOS ONE. Four Decades of Forest Persistence, Clearance and Logging on Borneo
Systematic Biology. Borneo and Indochina are Major Evolutionary Hotspots for Southeast Asian Biodiversity
Biol. Cons. Secrecy considerations for conserving Lazarus species
Ecosystem Services. What scope for certifying forest ecosystem services?
PLOS ONE. Through the Eyes of Children: Perceptions of Environmental Change in Tropical Forests
PLOS ONE. People’s Perceptions about the Importance of Forests on Borneo
Cons. Lett. Conservation in a wicked complex world; challenges and solutions
PLOS Biology. Conservation Research Is Not Happening Where It Is Most Needed
Int. J. Natural Res. Ecol. Manag. Exploring Conservation Management in an Oil-palm Concession
Mamm. Rev. Ebola in great apes – current knowledge, possibilities for vaccination, and implications for conservation and human health
Env. Res. Lett. Rising floodwaters: mapping impacts and perceptions of flooding in Indonesian Borneo
J. Mamm. Book Review - “Phillipps’ Field Guide to the Mammals of Borneo and Their Ecology”
Scientific Rep. Rapid conversions and avoided deforestation: examining four decades of industrial plantation expansion in Borneo
Env. Sc. Policy. Enhancing feasibility: Incorporating a socio-ecological systems framework into restoration planning
Front. Ecol. Env. Charisma counts: the presence of great apes affects the allocation of research effort in the paleotropics
American. J. Primatology. South to South Learning in Great Ape Conservation
Report. An impact analysis of RSPO certification on Borneo forest cover and Orangutan populations
Strategic Rev. The trillion dollar gamble on Borneo
Scientific Rep. First integrative trend analysis for a great ape species in Borneo
Curr. Biol. Morphometric, behavioural, and genomic evidence for a new orangutan species
PNAS. Canopy structure drives orangutan habitat selection in disturbed Bornean forests
Strategic Review. Getting community forest reforms right
Glob. Env. Ch. Community forest management in Indonesia: Avoided deforestation in the context of anthropogenic and climate complexities
Glob. Ecol. Cons. Not more, but strategic collaboration needed to conserve Borneo's orangutan
J. Appl. Ecol. Mixed policies give more options in multifunctional tropical forest landscapes
Curr. Biol. Orangutan populations are certainly not increasing in the wild
Nature. Create and empower lead authors from the global south
Curr. Biol. Global demand for natural resources eliminated more than 100,000 Bornean orangutans
Glob. Env. Ch. Offsetting the impacts of developments at a landscape scale reveals tough choices
Env. Res. Lett. Evaluating the effectiveness of palm oil certification in delivering multiple sustainability objectives
Science Adv. Orangutans venture out of the rainforest and into the Anthropocene
Env. Res. Lett. Forest loss and Borneo's climate
Tr. Ecol. Evol. Saving the world with satire
Front. For. Glob. Ch. The moral minefield of ethical oil palm and sustainable development
People and Nature. Conservation and the social sciences: beyond critique and co-optation. A case study from orangutan conservation
Nature Ecol. Evol. Rediscovery of the silver-backed chevrotain in Vietnam
Nature Sustainability. Larger gains delivered by improved management over sparing-sharing for tropical forests
World Development. Does oil palm alleviate rural poverty? Insight from a landscape-scale multidimensional assessment
Remote Sensing. Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) mapping with details: smallholder vs. industrial plantations and their extent in Riau, Sumatra
Biol. Cons. Cost-benefit based prioritisation of orangutan conservation actions in Indonesian Borneo
Land Use Policy. Changing landscapes, climate, livelihoods and human-wellbeing in the context of oil palm development
People and Nature. Heterogeneous impacts of community forest management on multiple aspects of human-wellbeing
Biol. Cons. Top 100 research questions for biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia
Nature Plants. The environmental impacts of palm oil in context.
Nature Sustainability. Impact of palm oil sustainability certification on village well-being and poverty in Indonesia
Curr. Biol. Coconut oil, conservation and the conscientious consumer.
Nature Ecol. Evol. Tapanuli orangutan endangered by Sumatran hydropower scheme
Cons. Lett. How many bird and mammal extinctions have been prevented through recent conservation action?
Cons. Lett. African Swine Fever threatens Southeast Asia’s endemic wild pig species
Glob. Env. Ch. Interannual climate variation, land type and community effects on wildfires in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Env. Res. Lett. Compounding impact of deforestation on Borneo's climate during El Niño events.
Bioscience. Severe lack of evidence limits effective conservation of the world’s primate
Land Use Policy. Beyond the Community in Participatory Forest Management: A Governance Network Perspective.
Science. Underestimating global biodiversity loss.
Cons. Biol. Ex situ management as insurance against extinction of mammalian megafauna in an uncertain world.
Cons. Biol. How amusing memes in social media can raise concern for an ugly species.
Env. Res. Lett. Compounding impact of deforestation in Borneo's climate during El Nino events
Cons. Sc. Prac. Toward improved impact evaluation of community forest management in Indonesia
J. Nat. Cons. Memindahkan Kera: Hasil Konservasi dan kesejahteraan dari penyelamatan dan pelepasan orangutan Borneo di Kalimantan, Indonesia
J. Nat. Cons. Shifting apes: Welfare and conservation outcomes of Bornean orangutan rescue and release in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Earth Syst. Sc. Data. High-resolution global map of small and large-holder mature oil palm plantations.
Landsc. Ecol. Orangutan movement and population dynamics across human-modified landscapes: implications of policy and management
Cons. Biol. Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact
Biol. Cons. Forest loss in Indonesian New Guinea: trends, drivers, and outlook.
PLOS ONE. The historic range and drivers of decline of the Tapanuli orangutan.
Earth Systems Science Data. First high-resolution global map of small and large-holder mature oil palm plantations
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. Importance of Small Forest Fragments in Agricultural Landscapes for Maintaining Orangutan Metapopulations
Raffles Bull Zool. Extreme ecological specialization in a rainforest mammal, the Bornean tufted ground squirrel, Rheithrosciurus macrotis Gray, 1857.
- Oryx. Restoring the orangutan in a Whole- or Half-Earth context.
Bioscience. Safeguarding imperiled biodiversity and evolutionary processes in the Wallacea center of endemism.
Comm. Earth Env. Converting tropical forests to agriculture increases fire risk by fourfold.
Biol. Cons. Orangutan killing and trade in Indonesia: Wildlife crime, enforcement, and deterrence patterns.
Curr. Biol. Effectiveness of 20 years of conservation investments in protecting orangutans.
Persp. Ecol. Cons. Deforestation projections imply range-wide population decline for critically endangered Bornean orangutan.
PLOS ONE. Slowing oil palm expansion and deforestation in Indonesia coincide with low oil prices.
Front. Nutrit. Dietary fats, human nutrition and the environment: balance and sustainability.
Front. Nutrit. A need for a paradigm shift in healthy nutrition research.
J. Biog. Expert range maps of global mammal distributions harmonised to three taxonomic authorities.
Front. Cons. Sc. Apes and Agriculture.
Oryx. High readership on academic social platforms may poorly reflect conservation interest.
- Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Oil palm plantations in the context of biodiversity conservation.
Global Change Biology. Drivers of habitat availability for terrestrial mammals: unravelling the role of livestock, land conversion and intrinsic traits in the past 50 years.
Earth System Science Data. High-resolution global map of closed-canopy coconut
Communications in Earth & Environment. Replanting unproductive palm oil with smallholder plantations can help achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Sumatra, Indonesia.
Conservation Science and Practice. Killing of orangutans in Kalimantan - Community perspectives on incidence and drivers.
Environmental Science & Policy. Public opinion on protecting iconic species depends on individual wellbeing: Perceptions about orangutan conservation in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Front. Publ. Health. Sustainable nutrition and the case of vegetable oils to match present and future dietary needs.
Remote Sensing. Empowering Wildlife Guardians: An Equitable Digital Stewardship and Reward System for Biodiversity Conservation using Deep Learning and 3/4G Camera Traps.
Meijaard, E., Virah-Sawmy, M., Newing, H.S., Ingram, V., Holle, M.J.M., Pasmans, T., Omar, S., van den Hombergh, H., Unus, N., Fosch, A., Ferraz de Arruda, H., Allen, J., Tsagarakis, K., Chidozie Ogwu, M., Diaz Ismael, A., Hance, J., Moreno, Y., O'Keeffe, S., Slavin, J.L., Slingerland, M., Meijaard, E.M., Macfarlane, N.B.W., Jimenez, R., Abiguna, A., Wich, S., Sheil, D., 2024. Exploring the future of vegetable oils. Oil crop implications - Fats, forests, forecasts, and futures. IUCN and SNSB, Gland, Switzerland.
Meijaard, E., Erman, A., Ancrenaz, M., Goossens, B., 2024. Pig virus imperils food security in Borneo Science. 19 Jan 2024.
Meijaard E, Azhar B, Persio M, Sheil D. 2024. Oil palm plantations in the context of biodiversity conservation. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 3rd edition 4: 752-773.
Ariffin, T., Khalid, S., Dennis, R., Said, S., Unus, N., Husaini, N., Carson, R.A., Meijaard, E., 2024. Baseline Study of Sun Bear in Brunei Darussalam, p. 41. Borneo Futures, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
Calebe et al. 2024. CamTrapAsia: 210 full wildlife capture lists from camera trapping studies. Ecology.
Seaman, D.J.I., Voigt, M., Ancrenaz, M., Bocedi, G., Meijaard, E., Oram, F., Palmer, S.C.F., Santika, T., Sherman, J., Travis, J.M.J., Wich, S., Humle, T., Supriatna, J., Struebig, M.J., 2024. Capacity for recovery in Bornean orangutan populations if both forest fragmentation and offtake are limited. Diversity & Distributions.